Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tutorial: How to roll a blunt

          Hello fellow tokers, I wanted to write this post before the joint tutorial, but I didn't have a blunt at the time. Well now I do, so I will be teaching you how to prepare and roll a blunt. We here at WeSB take pride in our blunts, from taking it out of the wrapper all the way to burning our lips with the delicious roach. As you smoke a blunt it becomes more and more resinated giving it a better taste and making it burn slower. To roll a blunt all you need is a blunt wrap, some bud, and a lighter. Now to being with this tutorial.

Step 1: buy a blunt wrap, I personally you swisher sweets or other small cigars like it, you can buy just the wrap with no tobacco in it already, but a cigar already has that nice round shape you want to achieve.

Freshly Purchased
The swisher

Step 2: using your two thumbs (or whatever two fingers you prefer to use) gently pinch a crease down the blunt.
as you can see I try to keep the crease as straight as possible

Step 3: now using your two thumbs split the crease apart from the top of the blunt all the way to the bottom. The blunt should just come apart very easily, If it doesn't try step two again making the crease a little sharper.

Step 4: now that you have the blunt split using one finger just push the tobacco out of the wrap, you can keep it for later enjoyment or just dispose of it right away,

Step 5: you should now have a beautifully split blunt wrap, gently pull it apart and evenly distribute your bud on it.

Step 6: now starting from the side that you will use as a mouth piece tuck the bottom lip under the top lip of the wrap, then take the top lip lick the edge of it and wrap it over the bottom, you want to do this in sections until you reach the end of the blunt. This shouldn't be done tightly, but with a moderate amount of pressure.

Tuck it in sections starting from the mouth piece
then roll the top over to make a round shape
as you move further down the blunt you can do it in bigger sections
you can see some of my saliva on this one. sorry about that, but that's how it should look
Step 7: once you have the blunt rolled you want to make sure it is going to stick together. I give it a light coating of saliva over where the top lip of the wrap meets the rest of the blunt.

just lightly pass your tongue over the flap

Step 8: before enjoying your blunt you want to use the tip of the flame of your lighter to dry your saliva and seal the blunt.

I really like how the flame came out in this picture

Step 9: if you have made it this far you should have a very appetizing looking blunt in front of you and all you have to do is light it and enjoy.

The Finished Product

          A final note I learned this from a great blunt roller J.E. if your blunt is not perfectly packed to the tip like the one above, then you should light the blunt let the extra paper burn down to where the bud is at, then put it out. Doing this will make the blunt burn evenly when you light it again.

          I hope you readers find this helpful. Remember; You have to cough to get off.
                                                                                                   J. Canna


  1. thanks helped allot

  2. Gratitude I just rolled one and my bro rolled one his came out way better but I now know the proper way thanks again..
